Job offers:

Bishopbriggs, East Dunbartonshire

THE BRITISH ARMY :: Bishopbriggs, East Dunbartonshire :: over 30 days ago

WHAT HAPPENS AS AN OFFICER? You can start your Army officer career at the age of 18 - you don't need to have a degree, just good A Levels (or equivalent). If you're keen to join the Army as an officer but you're still in education, you might be interested in applying for a or , which will give you extra financial support while you study, before graduating and heading to Sandhurst for officer training. Once you've started at Sandhurst you'll learn military skills, while building on your leadership skills as well as making friendships that will last a lifetime. After your training, Army life will vary depending on the ...

THE BRITISH ARMY :: Bishopbriggs, East Dunbartonshire :: over 30 days ago

WHAT HAPPENS AS AN OFFICER? You can start your Army officer career at the age of 18 - you don't need to have a degree, just good A Levels (or equivalent). If you're keen to join the Army as an officer but you're still in education, you might be interested in applying for a or , which will give you extra financial support while you study, before graduating and heading to Sandhurst for officer training. Once you've started at Sandhurst you'll learn military skills, while building on your leadership skills as well as making friendships that will last a lifetime. After your training, Army life will vary depending on the ...

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"Bishopbriggs, East Dunbartonshire"

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Job offers:

Bishopbriggs, East Dunbartonshire

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Additional information and statistical data for the search: Bishopbriggs, East Dunbartonshire

All the information was last updated on the 1 August 2017.

In the job offer base Next-Jobs we have about 13 job offers meeting the search criteria above.

Most of the ads almost 85.7% for serach Bishopbriggs, East Dunbartonshire do not include a photo.

Popular cities for this search are: Bishopbriggs.

People who observed the search result for Bishopbriggs, East Dunbartonshire checked also: freelance tv, java applications developer stockport.

The most frequent additional parametres for this search are: Social Care / Nursing, Permanent, Contract.

Recruitment Agencies publishing the offers for this result are a.o.: Auctus Management Group Limited, MAC Scientific Ltd, Blackbird London Ltd, Pathfinder Recruitment.