Job offers:

Diplomatic Services operational officer in Newport, Cornwall

HM Prison Service :: Newport, Cornwall :: over 30 days ago

One career, many roles. Prison officer opportunities HMP Isle of Wight Starting salary is £23,529 for a 39 hour week + excellent benefits Prison officers protect the public and help offenders turn their lives around. If you ... to grow and develop into. What we expect from our prison officers Theres no such thing as a typical prison officer. Our people come from different walks of life, just like the offenders they work with. Whether youre a ... life back on track - the kind of experience you simply wont find anywhere else. How to apply It takes a special type of person to be a great prison officer. If you're ready to start a rewarding new profession, apply now.

£18,000 to £22,000 per year :: Newport, Cornwall :: over 30 days ago

We have partnered with one of the UK's leading providers of IT contract services to provide a real opportunity for individuals to begin a career as a Trainee IT Technician. Are you interested in a job embarking on a technical IT career? Are you frustrated that no one will give you that first chance? Are you friendly with ... the initial training. The support job position offers an income of £18k-£22k, dependant on location; working as a contractor or permanent staff to supply IT services to one of our partner's many client contracts. We are able to offer finance options for the training package, enabling you to start and finish the training ...

Sponsored :: Newport, Cornwall :: over 30 days ago

... teach you the skills and knowledge required to pursue a successful career. There is no need to find yourself trapped in a dead-end job when you can invest only £67 per month over 24 months into in your future with quality online training. Once you have completed these studies, we will provide access to our recruitment services, in order to gain your first role in the project sector as either a Project Administrator, Project Co-ordinator, Project Support or Junior Project Manager. We will do this by obtaining interviews for you with one of our many existing corporate and recruitment contacts and we will place you in a project role. Enquire today ...

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HM Prison Service :: Newport, Cornwall :: over 30 days ago

One career, many roles. Prison officer opportunities HMP Isle of Wight Starting salary is £23,529 for a 39 hour week + excellent benefits Prison officers protect the public and help offenders turn their lives around. If you ... to grow and develop into. What we expect from our prison officers Theres no such thing as a typical prison officer. Our people come from different walks of life, just like the offenders they work with. Whether youre a ... life back on track - the kind of experience you simply wont find anywhere else. How to apply It takes a special type of person to be a great prison officer. If you're ready to start a rewarding new profession, apply now.

See also
£18,000 to £22,000 per year :: Newport, Cornwall :: over 30 days ago

We have partnered with one of the UK's leading providers of IT contract services to provide a real opportunity for individuals to begin a career as a Trainee IT Technician. Are you interested in a job embarking on a technical IT career? Are you frustrated that no one will give you that first chance? Are you friendly with ... the initial training. The support job position offers an income of £18k-£22k, dependant on location; working as a contractor or permanent staff to supply IT services to one of our partner's many client contracts. We are able to offer finance options for the training package, enabling you to start and finish the training ...

Report :: Newport, Cornwall :: over 30 days ago

... teach you the skills and knowledge required to pursue a successful career. There is no need to find yourself trapped in a dead-end job when you can invest only £67 per month over 24 months into in your future with quality online training. Once you have completed these studies, we will provide access to our recruitment services, in order to gain your first role in the project sector as either a Project Administrator, Project Co-ordinator, Project Support or Junior Project Manager. We will do this by obtaining interviews for you with one of our many existing corporate and recruitment contacts and we will place you in a project role. Enquire today ...

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"Diplomatic Services operational officer in Newport, Cornwall"

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Job offers:

Diplomatic Services operational officer in Newport, Cornwall

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Additional information and statistical data for the search: Diplomatic Services operational officer in Newport, Cornwall

All the information was last updated on the 24 August 2017.

In the job offer base Next-Jobs we have about 123 job offers meeting the search criteria above.

Most of the ads almost 62.5% for result Diplomatic Services operational officer in Newport, Cornwall do not include a photo.

The most popular cities for this search are: Newport.

People who observed the search result for Diplomatic Services operational officer in Newport, Cornwall also looked at: Interactive Media Associate, bar staff rota, senior account manager new cross.

Popular additional parametres for this search are: Renewable Energy.

Recruitment Agencies publishing the offers for this result are a.o.: QMS International , 2 Sisters Food Group, One Advice Group.